Fourteen years ago I went on a "first" date with someone who would become my best friend and husband- Reagan Boles. Reagan has been such a support and encouragement to me as well as challenging me to grow and improve myself.
Lately, I have been reminded that my staying home with our three boys is truly a gift... a gift that comes with great sacrifice from Reagan. He works many hours to make sure that the families' needs are met and provided. While it is his calling to be our family leader and provider, he does so cheerfully and without any reservations.
I have also come to recognize that my calling, at this time and place, is to be at home with the boys. Some days are challenging and frustrating... like when all I seem to do is "ref" arguments or clean baby spit up. Thankfully, there are also wonderful days when I feel so fulfilled being able to teach and train my children throughout the day- sharing in "little" moments that I would have otherwise missed. I have come to see that some moments are crazy and hard, but all these moments are priceless.
The thing is, I was called to this position just as Reagan is called to be our provider. We make a great team as we work together to support and encourage each other in fulfilling our individual callings. I am blessed... thanks Reagan.