Monday, July 22, 2013

Eyes to See

Fuzzy images of items that I can identify solely by memory often fill my perspective when I dare to remove my contact lenses or prescription glasses.  I often "know" what I am looking at simply due to the item's placement or general shape, but any clear definition or description of it is impossible.  I came to need glasses at an early age in my childhood and since then, I have lived with visual assistance in the form of contacts or glasses.  Many tasks would be impossible for me to do without the clear perspective that they give- such as driving a car or vacuuming the floor.  Typing?  Forget it!  The glasses not only give me a clear vision of my world, but become life changing in that I can live an independent life- through my dependence on them.

This is so reflective of my life in Christ.  Without an understanding of His character and love for me, I would be so lost in this world filled with tragedy, hardships, and sin.  All lines become blurred when His clarity is absent.  When suddenly, I can see things from His perspective, everything becomes clear.  His purpose, His plan and His character become so sharp and seen in my life as His vision becomes mine. 

This clarity comes daily- just as I must put on my glasses or contacts daily.  We must spend time each day in His word to gain His clarity and perspective for all the events in the midst of our day.  It is the choice we make each day to view our life through His lens.  It is seeing that my life does have value and purpose because He says it does.  It is giving to others- not because they deserve it- but because it honors Him that I do so.  It is sharing love and words of encouragement to others as a way of loving Him.  It is life- just daily life- lived out with a godly view and perspective.  Just like with my eyesight, many tasks would be impossible without His clarity.

I read this passage this morning from the book, Calm My Anxious Heart, by Linda Dillow.  "God, you know my feelings are going haywire; they scream and shout that this situation is terrible and that there is no hope.  God, I hope in You. I can't see what You are doing, but I trust that You're working this situation together for good.  Thank You that You have promised to us it to make me more like Christ.  This is what I want- it just doesn't feel good today.  Give me the strength to focus my eyes on You and not on what I can see."  I love that last sentence.... it is asking God for His perspective.

Today, ask God for His vision of your life; so, you may see all that He has planned for you today.  It will be a different viewpoint than you are used to seeing each day as His light will filter through you.  Never question whether your life has purpose- You just need a new perspective!  Through His lens, all the blurry unfocused areas of struggle in your life will become clearly focused and useful for His refinement of your faith.  Are you ready for eyes to see His will?


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