Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Kendall's Shorts

Kendall has become rather attached to a pair of camo shorts and would like to wear them day after day.  I mean, who can blame him?  Camo tends to go with everything, right?  So, the morning grind of having to pick out clothes is much less stressful when you just have to grab any old t-shirt and your faithful camo shorts.  What is the problem?  Well, the problem is that they get dirty and need to be washed.  Something, that Kendall believes should be able to happen within a 5-10 minute period.  Poor boy!  Life is so hard sometimes when you just can't have your camo shorts....  Oh, the tears that fell this morning and the wailing that could be heard!  (Sorry neighbors!)

It struck me, however, do I throw that kind of fit when things don't go as I had hoped or planned?  Oh the conviction...... Most of us can identify with the longing to just throw a full out tantrum fit when we don't get our way on something.  As adults, we have learned that fit-throwing behavior is NOT acceptable, but we still feel it on the inside.  We still react, but just not with blood-curling screams. 

What if the one you are upset with is God?  What if circumstances have come into your life that were not a part of your life plan?  How do you respond? Do you yield it all to His feet and praise Him in tears and brokenness, trusting that all will be for your good and growth?  Do you pull away from Him and try to manage it all with your own best efforts?  The difference between these two responses is in who we recognize as in control of the situation and in the depth of our trust of Him.  Linda Dillow states in her book, Calm My Anxious Heart, "When the what ifs come into our lives, we must ask ourselves if we're going to judge God by the circumstances we don't understand or judge the circumstances in light of the character of God."  The truth in that hits home.

I think the struggles we deal with when circumstances just don't go as we had planned can be traced back to several common factors....

Trust.  Do we truly trust the Father?  It is easy to trust when things all seem to be going smoothly, but when circumstances become hard or painful we start to question.  We question His love.  We question His plan.  We question His sovereignty.  It is so easy to pull away, but as you reflect back on your life, as He ever failed you?  If He loves you enough to give His only Son to die for your sins, don't you think He loves you enough to pull you through this circumstance?

Control.  We secretly long for control in most areas of our life.  Even though our resources are limited and our limitations abound, we long to control our life.  Our Father has limitless resources and power.  Nothing is beyond His control, but we are afraid to let go of the "control" we like the illusion of having.  Why?  We do not trust Him.

The Evil One.  Satan, the evil one, longs to plant lies in our head and get us distracted, disillusioned, or angry with our Father and Savior.  Our purpose from God will not be fulfilled if we are caught up in doubt and broken trust.  So, he does all that he can to whisper thoughts of doubt in our head.  Beth Moore states, "If we're going to win our battles, we need to wise up to some of Satan's schemes and prepare in advance for victory." (Praying God's Word Day by Day)  His influence is lost once we recognize his schemes and give them over to the Father.

What we need to remember is that contentment doesn't come from our circumstances.  Rather, it comes from a healthy growing relationship with the Father through our Savior.  When we have come to a point that we desperately love and trust Him, then we will not be shaken when we storms and waves of trials come.  A deep abiding love that realizes nothing- absolutely nothing- has more impact and value in my life than the relationship I have with the One who died so that I might have life.  My Jesus, my sweet Savior, my Redeemer- He love is so great that all else pales in comparison and in light of that deep love, I can trust.

Today, it is my prayer that despite the circumstances in your world, that you might find yourself trusting and yielding your control, longings and plans at His precious feet.  How great is love for us that we might be called His children- remember as you cling to the rock of your salvation, that He is clinging to you as well.  He loves you- desperately so- and you can trust Him!


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