Friday, December 7, 2012

I love you!

Last night, I had some time with just Kendall in the house. With this being the crazy, Christmas season, I had plans of cleaning up the house a bit and wrapping presents. I had decided to set about the task of cleaning first so I could just relax and watch a Christmas movie with Kendall while wrapping the gifts.

Kendall was finishing his dinner and I began running around the house cleaning and picking up. Every time I came through the kitchen he would stop and look up at me and exclaim, "I love you Mommy!" When I would respond with, "I love you Kendall!" often he would say it again or tell me that he loved me more. We play this game a lot in our house, but my heart swelled till it could burst. I know my boys love me, but when they initiate telling me on their own, that is the best! I reflected on Kendall telling me that he loved me more.... Oh my precious son, it just isn't possible. All the pain bringing you into this world, the sleepless nights rocking you to slumber, the tears I have cried over your well being and care- my love for you would do it over and over again in order to see the precious smile on your face.

God spoke to my heart and how this reflected our relationship. What joy it must bring Him to hear me tell of my love for Him- to cry out my love to Him over and over- does it fill His heart to bursting? Does he look at me and exclaim, "I love you more! Just look at what my love for you has done- it made a way when there wasn't one. It cost me deeply.... But, you are worth it." When I reflect on how deeply my Father loves me, I can hardly catch my breath. Who loves like that? Only one.... Only God.

Just as Kendall kept looking for me last night to exclaim his love for me- I need to be looking for reflections of God in my day to day life and exclaim my love to Him. When was the last time that you saw God working in the details of your life and you just praised and thanked Him on the spot. Oh, Lord, help my eyes to see you at work and fill my heart to overflowing with love and praise for You!

I don't know what you are facing today, but I know that you are loved and never alone. Have you ever just cried out your love to the Holy One? Father, let our lips ever sing of Your love for us and exclaim our love to You. Give us spiritual discernment to see you working in our lives each day and let it be a love song to our weary souls. We love you Father....

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