I know it is silly to get upset over spilled milk... um, coffee... but, I didn't even get a taste of it! I think what made it worse is that I had to clean up the mess. As a mother, I feel like I clean up messes constantly, but I expect that with kids. When I make the mess, however, I get frustrated with myself. Why didn't I just pay attention? Carson sweetly helped me clean up my sticky spill and off I went to my quiet time. For some reason, this event has continued to be on my mind. Perhaps it is the still somewhat sticky spot on my kitchen floor or the warped cereal boxes that got caught in the coffee flood on the counter. This morning, a thought hit me.... at least this mess was clean"able". How many times have I thought about and tortured myself over mistakes in my past that I could not go back and correct. Maybe it was the time I didn't hold my tongue and I said something that I shouldn't have or the times when I caved to an easy solution to a problem rather than honoring the Father and "doing it right". Perhaps, it was the time when I got caught up in the longings of the world.... money, power, possessions, "love" and so forth. I don't think there is a believer out there who hasn't struggled with these things. We are all fallen sinners who only by the grace of God are redeemed for His glory.
Which brings me to my next thought.... there is no mess too big for God's grace. None. He can redeem anyone and anything for His glory- absolutely and completely.
"Do you see what we've got? An unshakable kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God. For God is not an indifferent bystander. He's actively cleaning house, torching all that needs to burn, and he won't quit until it's all cleansed. God himself is Fire!" (Hebrews 12:28, 29 MSG)
"Jesus came down the mountain with the cheers of the crowd still ringing in his ears. Then a leper appeared and went to his knees before Jesus, praying, "Master, if you want to, you can heal my body." Jesus reached out and touched him, saying, "I want to. Be clean." Then and there, all signs of the leprosy were gone. Jesus said, "Don't talk about this all over town. Just quietly present your healed body to the priest, along with the appropriate expressions of thanks to God. Your cleansed and grateful life, not your words, will bear witness to what I have done." (Matthew 8:1-4 MSG)
"Jesus told them, "Go back and tell John what's going on: The blind see, The lame walk, Lepers are cleansed, The deaf hear, The dead are raised, The wretched of the earth learn that God is on their side. "Is this what you were expecting? Then count yourselves most blessed!" (Matthew 11:4-6 MSG)
My Friend, no matter how big our mess is, we have a bigger God. He is capable of cleansing you from it all, but as amazing as that, he is willing to do so. In fact, he longs to cleanse you of all the messes in your world! So, let us be brimming with worship and deeply reverent before our precious God! He is not indifferent to your needs, but fully engaged and active in purifying you! Today, lay it all at His feet and leave it there. If you are cleansed and redeemed then be tortured no longer by the evil one. You are redeemed and your sins have been cast into the sea of forgetfulness- count yourself blessed!
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