"Mommy, cuddle me!" cried Kendall..... Most of today has been spent with a toddler in my lap. He has battled a virus and fever all week, and the only place he has felt comfortable has been within my arms. At first, this brought me joy- not at his being sick- but at his willingness to cuddle. I have no doubt that these days of cuddling will soon pass and I will be left with an empty lap. Today, however, I began to feel a little weary and all the tasks left undone seemed to scream for my attention.... the laundry in the hampers, the dishes in the sink and the floors in need of cleaning.
Then, in a series of moments, I realized that I needed to just rest and savor him and his longing to be with me. There will be time in the days ahead to catch up on all the housework, but these moments will be lost forever. So, I focused on just cuddling my sick one realizing that was only thing that had to be done today. Real motherhood is sacrificial, giving, and loving.
My friend, God is just as near to us. He never leaves us. Our tears and prayers move Him and He responds to our needs. He longs for time with us.... just resting and savoring our relationship together. Our busy lifestyle too often pulls us away.... household chores, work duties, and responsibilities scream for our attention. However, at the end of this life those things will not matter. Time spent with the Father, is never a waste... it is the most important thing we can do each day- it gives life.
In a way, that is what we are doing, as parents.... when we give sacrificially to them, we model that life-giving relationship with God. So, cuddle with them and treasure those moments and seek out those same moments with your Father.
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