Monday, May 27, 2013

Seeds of Hope

Have you ever had a seed of a dream planted deep within?  Sarah had.... all of her life had held a dream of holding a precious babe within her womb, arms and heart.  That dream had all but died countless times when no child had come.  Shame and heartbreak had long been her companions.  Yet, the seed of hope remained.  Perhaps dormant, but the seed remained.  Then, God made a promise.... an heir for Abraham.  A child.... an heir, but only from Abraham?  Recently, we discussed the desperation that they felt in the post, "Disappointments and Failures", and the attempts made to fulfill this promise.  God, however, had plans to complete what He had promised in a way that would leave no doubt who should receive the praise.  He thrives in making the impossible possible in order to leave no doubt that He alone deserves our praise. 

In Genesis 18, God clarifies that Sarah will be the one to carry Abraham's child of promise from whom all future generations will follow.  This child will be the beginning of God's chosen people.  Sarah, in disbelief, laughed at the possibility.  Her companions, shame and heartbreak, had hardened her.  Impossible it was, but all is possible within God's capable hands.  Join me in Genesis 21 in verses 1-7.

"The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised. She became pregnant, and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. This happened at just the time God had said it would. And Abraham named their son Isaac. Eight days after Isaac was born, Abraham circumcised him as God had commanded. Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born. And Sarah declared, “God has brought me laughter. All who hear about this will laugh with me. Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse a baby? Yet I have given Abraham a son in his old age!” (Genesis 21:1-7 NLT)

No one believed that Sarah would nurse a baby of her own- it had long passed the time of possibility as she had reached the age of 90.  That is when God allowed a miracle to take place.  He alone was the author of this chapter in their lives and He alone deserved their praise and honor.  That is often when God works, when He alone will receive the honor and praise.  It is His way of reaffirming that He is the only real God- fully capable in a world of impossibilities.  Sarah's countless tears sown in desperate brokenness become laughs filled with inexpressible joy.

That's our Father, my dear friend.  He is the only one who transforms our broken heartaches into beautiful promise filled laughter.  He does that for us too.  He takes our shame and heartbreak that hardens our hopes and transforms them (and us) into fully content sighs and joyful laughter.  He redeems.  He restores and gives new purpose in our emptiness.  He heals us completely, thoroughly, and in His perfect timing.  Today, I do not know if you are in the desperate land of longing or on the banks of  His rivers of blessings.  Are you sowing tears of heartache or are you so joy filled that the laughter will not stop?  Either way, God is right beside you.  He never forgets you or the desperate longings of your heart.  His love is so great that He can never forget you.  His love is so great that He will do nothing less than His very best for you.  Sometimes, that means changing your heart, your plans or your dreams but never doubt that He will deliver you.  Joy and laughter will come- in His timing and through His perfect conclusion.  How deep is your trust?  Make faith and trust your companions while waiting on His timing in this trial.  He will redeem, restore and give you a new purpose for His glory. 


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