Thursday, January 3, 2013

He is My Life

"The giant step in the walk of faith is the one we take when we decide God no longer is a part of our lives.  He is our life."  Beth Moore, Praying God's Word Day by Day

Have you been there?  Have you hit that place where you suddenly realize that all you have done before and your "token" efforts to be a Christian have fallen short?  Did you still feel empty? 

I did.  I had accepted Christ as a child and had tried to make God an active part of my life.  I attended church faithfully and would even stop to read scriptures when I could work it into my busy schedule.  I would even acknowledge that I wanted Him to be first in my life.  But, I still felt that I was missing something and I was- I was missing the intimacy with the Father that He longs to have with us.  I found myself at the bottom of a pit of my own making and design. This pit was made by feeble attempts of being a Christian and times of living my life by the world standard instead of the Father's standard.

It was there, at the bottom of my self- designed pit, that my heart stirred with the longing for more. When I looked to the Father, He reached down and pulled me out to freedom, to purpose, to more love and intimacy with Him than I had ever known.  My heart was so full to overflowing with love for the Father that I realized that was what I was missing.... Him.  I no longer wanted to dabble in Him.... I wanted Him to be my life.  The grace and love He offered me was so much more than I could ever imagine and I needed Him as much as the air in my lungs. 

"Your old life is dead.  Your new life, which is your real life- even though invisible to spectators- is with Christ in God.  He is your life."  Colossians 3:3 MSG

"He said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and most important commandment.'"  Matthew 22:37-38 Holman CSB

My friend, He wants to be our life- as close and needed as the air in our lungs.  He wants to give us more that our mind's eye could imagine.  No matter where we are in our faith, He longs to take us deeper in our relationship with Him.  As we start this new year, let us make Him more than a priority- let Him become your life. 

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