Today in our nation's capital, there are crowds lined along the streets as this nation inaugurates the president for his second term. Many call this a huge progression for our nation and many have commented on how this is a day of rejoicing in our democratic process that has chosen to give this president another four year term. Through speeches, toasts, and prayers much is shared and expressed and yet, what grieves me most is what is left unspoken.
On this day, as I consider the heart of our nation, I weep. It seems that the God we speak of or swear oaths to is but a fictional tradition that we tolerate rather than a most Holy God who holds all time and power in His hands. We do not recognize nor honor His teachings or His Son who came as the Savior to our world. Those who truly love and attempt to live out His teachings are often ridiculed, belittled and scorned as being intolerant by a society who is tolerant of anyone except those who follow Christ.
As I watched some of the events of today, my heart cried out in sorrow. I so desperately long to see our nation on its knees crying out to the Father in forgiveness for how we have turned our back on Him. I want to see our Savior, high and lifted up- glorified- and to see every knee bow in honor of the Most High. A few things have become clear to me in the past few hours....
"For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God." Hebrews 13:14-16 NLT
My friend, this is not our home. So, let our hearts and minds focus on the home that is waiting for us in heaven. God is faithful to His children who honor Him regardless of circumstances. As a result, we still have much to praise Him for.... I think we may be entering a time when we see Him active and alive in our world more than in years past- not in the way we might hope- but most certainly working through the circumstances and events that are coming. We must continue to proclaiming our allegiance to the Father in our words and deeds. Our world is desperate for the Father and now is not the time for us to be silent in our faith. We need to share it with our words, and live it out before them... not a "token" faith that shows up when it serves our good purpose, but a genuine faith that penetrates down to the marrow of our being.
Another realization, is that we as a whole are responsible for the state of our nation. Collectively, we have chosen to honor athletes, actors, and politicians and hold them up as the standard by which we should look up to. We have sacrificed babies at the alter of convenience and considered the pursuit of money and power as of highest importance. The stain of this sin taints us all.... I have spent much time in heartache and prayer, today, asking God to forgive our nation. My friend, it must start with our hearts.... rather than looking indigently at those who hold other views than us- let us weep and pray over the state of nation.
This, I do know- in time, everyone will bow a knee to the Father and recognize Him as the most High God. For those of us who are a part of the redeemed, it will be a joyous day! However, for those who are not covered by the blood of Christ, it will be a desperate time of sadness. There will be much heartache over missed opportunities and empty purposes that were lived out by people who did not acknowledge Him. But, God will NOT be mocked and He WILL reveal Himself when the time has come. I must trust in His perfect timing knowing that no office on this planet is beyond His reach.
My friend, this is a time of building and perfecting our faith. Do not lose heart, but seek Him. Praise and glorify all the work of His hands and sadly repent of the sin that covers our world and lives. Live a life that our society can't understand and can't ignore. Be the salt and light of this world that draws others to the Father because they can't help but long for what we have to offer--- a pure and holy Savior. The change our nation so desperately seeks is what they are most afraid of. Let us show them the freedom and love that comes when we lose our life for the Savior.
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