Thursday, August 16, 2012

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

Have you ever had one of those "it seemed like a good idea at the time" moments?  This week, I needed just a few groceries to tide us until I could go and get a large amount and I decided to go to our local, smaller store.  As I walked in I noticed that they had mini-grocery carts which are perfect for a small child to push and would hold just the amount of groceries I was planning to get.  Perfect- I thought- I can let Kendall push his little basket and it will be a hallmark card moment in the making! 

So, I show Kendall the small basket and he is thrilled!  So, are the two older boys who think they, too, need a mini shopping basket.  However, there are only 2 mini carts available..... so, I let the youngest two push the baskets.  So, we forge ahead through the isles as I try to herd my two basket shoppers around displays, other customers and items that they would love to add to the carts when I was distracted.  Have you ever heard the saying, 'like trying to herd cats'?  Well, maybe you get the picture.  Carson kept trying to ride the cart and I warned him once and then he had to pass his cart on to Caleb when he didn't obey.  This made him mad and he kept trying to "help" Kendall with his basket.  Kendall would just yell, cry and scream, "No!  I push!" over and over until I came to the rescue.  However, any time I tried to direct Kendall to make sure that he didn't drive his cart right into the cake display, he would have the same reaction.  Needless to say, I was quite frazzled by the time we left the store (the workers probably were as well) and kept thinking to myself, "it seemed like a good idea at the time".... 

Too often in my faith I have those moments as well.  Moments when I thought it was okay to push the envelope a little or let that area of sin slide, but I always come back regretting that decision.  We must be on guard at all times regarding the sin that tempts us, lest we will deal with the consequences later on.  Such consequences are needed to teach us and grow us in our faith- just as our children need consequences for their actions at times.  Boy, mine got a dose of consequences after our store visit!  That helps us be more alert the next time that sin tries to slide into our world.

Beth Moore quoted in her book, Praying God's Word Day by Day, "Allow your circumstances and weaknesses to do the job God has sent them to do- provoke humility."  Boy, in those 'what was I thinking?' moments, is when I am the most teachable.  Thankfully, God sees the real us- He knows our faults, but He also sees our potential.  His lessons are perfectly designed for developing our potential into a reality.  The more open we are to the lessons being taught, then the sooner we can move on to the next.

I know I definitely learned my lesson the other day.  Do NOT use the mini grocery cart lest your normally well behaved children will teach you a new lesson in humility.  Ha!  No, I will absolutely prepare differently before I tackle that challenge again, but I am thankful for the ability to learn my lesson, laugh and move on... it just seemed like a good idea at the time.....

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